Legends of the Maraの役職説明
「FARMING」「HUNTING」「ENCHANTING」を表すような画像と共に、今月からおこなわれる予定のLegends of the Maraの役職説明が公式X(旧Twitter)に投稿されました。
1/4 The quest to return the Oda to Otherside will unfold over the course of its seasons.
As they learn how to farm and fend for themselves, Oda will acquire new skills and set out on adventures to explore the wilds. But first you’ll need to train them to contend with the… pic.twitter.com/jlPVHA1ulA
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 8, 2023
2/4 Every legend starts somewhere. This one starts at your Camp. In Legends of the Mara, your Camp is where you’ll farm Fragments, house your loot, and form the team that’ll defend your land.
Each season, a new, limited supply of Fragments will be ready to harvest. Harvest them… pic.twitter.com/Vloxd0aoVX
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 8, 2023
3/4 Oda moving in packs are more effective at killing than lone Oda. The more Hunters you have, the faster you can take down Shattered.
To maximize your damage output, layer and time your special skills and buffs. With each new season, Oda will acquire new skills and be able to… pic.twitter.com/OyxbtLXCxk
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 8, 2023
4/4 Enchanters boost the skills of all the Oda assigned to their Otherdeed Camp simultaneously.
Enchanters can neither fight nor farm, but the more of them you have, the faster your
Farmers will harvest, and the better your Hunters will fight. Enchanters provide a great… pic.twitter.com/p5GrECzfgR— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 8, 2023
1/4 The quest to return the Oda to Otherside will unfold over the course of its seasons.
As they learn how to farm and fend for themselves, Oda will acquire new skills and set out on adventures to explore the wilds. But first you’ll need to train them to contend with the dangerous path ahead.
2/4 Every legend starts somewhere. This one starts at your Camp. In Legends of the Mara, your Camp is where you’ll farm Fragments, house your loot, and form the team that’ll defend your land.
Each season, a new, limited supply of Fragments will be ready to harvest. Harvest them quickly; they won’t be there forever.
You can combine fragments with a seasonal catalyst to transform a Mara into a Kodamara, or save them up–they’ll be useful in future phases of the game. But proceed carefully: the full potential of these Fragments is still unknown.
3/4 Oda moving in packs are more effective at killing than lone Oda. The more Hunters you have, the faster you can take down Shattered.
To maximize your damage output, layer and time your special skills and buffs. With each new season, Oda will acquire new skills and be able to execute more complex combos.
Koda are the most effective hunters, and a Koda’s ability to inflict damage in battle is even greater if it has a weapon.
4/4 Enchanters boost the skills of all the Oda assigned to their Otherdeed Camp simultaneously.
Enchanters can neither fight nor farm, but the more of them you have, the faster your
Farmers will harvest, and the better your Hunters will fight. Enchanters provide a great advantage to any team.
Enchanters need to remain rooted to the Camp for their buffs to be active, so Koda and Kodamara assigned to enchant cannot participate in farming and hunting.
1/4 Odaをアザーサイドに戻す冒険は、季節を追って展開されます。Odaは農業や自活する方法を学ぶにつれて、新しいスキルを身につけ、荒野を探検する冒険に出ます。しかし最初に、危険な道に対処できるように彼らを訓練する必要があります。
2/4 全ての伝説はあなた達それぞれのキャンプから始まる。Legends of the Maraのキャンプは、フラグメントを栽培し、戦利品を保管し、土地を守るチームを形成する場所です。
フラグメントを季節触媒と組み合わせれば、MaraをKodamaraに変身させたり、保存したりできます。これらはゲームの将来のフェーズで役立ちます。しかし、注意深く行動しましょう。フラグメントの能力はまだ未知数です。3/4 Odaは単独で動くよりも群れで動く方が効率的に殺すことができます。ハンターの数が多ければ多いほど、Shatteredを早く倒すことができます。
Kodaは最も有能なハンターであり、武器を持っていれば戦闘中にダメージを与える能力はさらに高まります。4/4 エンチャンターはOtherdeedキャンプに割り当てられた、全てのOdaのスキルを同時に強化します。
