Legends of the Maraの紹介
2nd Tripが終わった後に実施すると予告されていた、Legends of the Mara(レジェンド オブ ザ マーラ)というプロジェクトの概要説明が公開されました。
Legends of the Maraは、Kodaを中心としたストーリーのプロジェクトのようで、この体験を通してKodaやOthersideについて詳しく知ることができる模様です。また、前々から噂されていたKodaをもつOtherdeed NFTから、Kodaのみ分離する作業も今回のプロジェクトに合わせて実施されるようです。
Legends of the Maraの体験の大まかな流れは、まずVessel(ウツワ/器)を手に入れ、それをMara(マーラ)と呼ばれる見習いに成長させる、さらに特定条件をクリアするとKodamara(コダマーラ)へ進化させられる、といった感じのようです。
Introducing Legends of the Mara, a 2D experience with its own companion collection. Claim your Vessel, discover its potential, and forge your path.
Otherdeeds with a Koda will be able to decouple in advance of the game launch.
Step into https://t.co/PL6spHFERp and the 🧵 below pic.twitter.com/inu3s4sVdq
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
Introducing Legends of the Mara, a 2D experience with its own companion collection. Claim your Vessel, discover its potential, and forge your path.
Otherdeeds with a Koda will be able to decouple in advance of the game launch.
Step into https://lotm.otherside.xyz and the 🧵 below
Legends of the Mara(レジェンド オブ ザ マーラ)は、2Dで体験できる独自のコンパニオンコレクションです。Vesselを手に入れ、その可能性を発見し、道を切り開いてください。
Legends of the Mara is a collection-based 2D strategy game that picks up where the events of 2nd Trip leave off.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
Legends of the Mara is a collection-based 2D strategy game that picks up where the events of 2nd Trip leave off.
Legends of the Maraはコレクションベースの2Dストラテジーゲームで、2nd Tripのイベントが終わったところから始まります。
With it, we’re going to learn more about Kodas, including their origins and their primal relationship with Otherside, encounter some new apprentices in the form of the Mara, and learn more about the story of Otherside throughout LOTM.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
With it, we’re going to learn more about Kodas, including their origins and their primal relationship with Otherside, encounter some new apprentices in the form of the Mara, and learn more about the story of Otherside throughout LOTM.
これによって、Kodaの起源やOthersideとの基本的な関係などを詳しく知ることができ、Maraという新しい見習いに出会い、Legends of the Maraを通じてOthersideの物語をより深く知ることができます。
Kodas are the primary keepers of Otherside. In Legends of the Mara, they are by far the most adept when it comes to farming, enchanting, and hunting.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
Kodas are the primary keepers of Otherside. In Legends of the Mara, they are by far the most adept when it comes to farming, enchanting, and hunting.
KodaはOthersideの主要な伝承者です。Legends of the Maraでは、彼らは群を抜いて農作業、エンチャント、狩猟に長けています。
Vessels can grow into apprentices known as Mara, and under the right conditions with the right catalyst, can evolve into more skilled Kodamara. Both are capable helpers in the fight to defend Otherside, though their powers are greatly constrained when compared to the ancient Koda
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
Vessels can grow into apprentices known as Mara, and under the right conditions with the right catalyst, can evolve into more skilled Kodamara. Both are capable helpers in the fight to defend Otherside, though their powers are greatly constrained when compared to the ancient Koda
The journey begins by claiming your free Vessel — each Otherdeed holder can claim one — and decoupling Kodas from Otherdeeds. That kicks off soon. Then starting in May, we prepare to defend Otherside.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
The journey begins by claiming your free Vessel — each Otherdeed holder can claim one — and decoupling Kodas from Otherdeeds. That kicks off soon. Then starting in May, we prepare to defend Otherside.
For more details head to https://t.co/PL6spHFERp and stay tuned to https://t.co/Y5lRY6np6o for updates.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 27, 2023
For more details head to https://lotm.otherside.xyz and stay tuned to https://news.yuga.com/legends-of-the-mara for updates.
Whatever’s falling from the sky can sure wreck a smoke break. pic.twitter.com/HflYQBYGoc
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 28, 2023
Whatever’s falling from the sky can sure wreck a smoke break.
Blue’s so on about the rocks and ghost-looking things, you kinda have to at least pretend to give a shit, right? pic.twitter.com/skIUOIVR7V
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 29, 2023
Blue’s so on about the rocks and ghost-looking things, you kinda have to at least pretend to give a shit, right?
Blue’s tripping out on memories. pic.twitter.com/dskMNFqvat
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) March 30, 2023
Blue’s tripping out on memories.
