Kodaを含むOtherdeed NFTを持つ人(厳密にはKodaを分離してVesselを申請してNFT化した人だと思われます)が、4月6日に3,333個のデジタル&フィジカルのペンダントを450 apecoinで購入できるというキャンペーンのようです。
Our first discovery of Otherside Relics by @Gucci, is a limited-edition Gucci-branded pendant of a Koda that pays homage to the origins of Otherside.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 3, 2023
Holders of both Vessel and Koda NFTs will be eligible to purchase a limited-edition digital metadata update that includes a corresponding Gucci physical necklace on Thursday, April 6.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 3, 2023
Buyers will have a pendant trait permanently added to their NFTs after purchase. Learn more on our official blog.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 3, 2023
Our first discovery of Otherside Relics by @Gucci, is a limited-edition Gucci-branded pendant of a Koda that pays homage to the origins of Otherside.
Holders of both Vessel and Koda NFTs will be eligible to purchase a limited-edition digital metadata update that includes a corresponding Gucci physical necklace on Thursday, April 6.
Buyers will have a pendant trait permanently added to their NFTs after purchase. Learn more on our official blog.
@Gucciによって、最初に発見されたOtherside Relics(アザーザイドの遺物)は、Othersideの起源に敬意を表した、Kodaモチーフの限定グッチペンダントです。
Kodas have a thing for relics.
The 3,333 KodaPendants, an Otherside Relic by @gucci, will be available for purchase for 450 @apecoin on April 6th.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 4, 2023
Kodas have a thing for relics. The 3,333 KodaPendants, an Otherside Relic by @gucci, will be available for purchase for 450 @apecoin on April 6th.
Kodaは遺物を持っています。@gucciのOtherside Relicである3,333個のKodaペンダントは、4月6日に450 @apecoinで購入できます。
KodaPendant | Otherside Relics by Gucci
The sky was falling. Remember with a pendant. Holders of both Vessel and Koda NFTs are now able to purchase an Otherside Relics by Gucci.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
Reminder – follow the order flow on the website and do not send ApeCoin directly to the ApeCoin contract. Refunds will NOT be issued if this happens. Participants will need 450 ApeCoin and some ETH in the wallet to cover gas fees for each pendant they purchase.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
The sky was falling. Remember with a pendant. Holders of both Vessel and Koda NFTs are now able to purchase an Otherside Relics by Gucci.
Reminder – follow the order flow on the website and do not send ApeCoin directly to the ApeCoin contract. Refunds will NOT be issued if this happens. Participants will need 450 ApeCoin and some ETH in the wallet to cover gas fees for each pendant they purchase.
大変なことが起こりました。ペンダントを贈ります。Vessel NFTとKoda NFTの所有者は、GucciのOtherside Relicsを購入できるようになりました。
注意 – ウェブサイトの注文フローに従い、ApeCoinコントラクトにApeCoinを直接送信しないでください。このような場合、払い戻しは行われません。参加者は購入するペンダントのガス代として、ウォレットに450ApeCoinといくらかのETHが必要です。

予想以上に早いスピードでOTHERSIDE×Gucciのプロジェクトが実施されました。サイトを見るとネックレスのデジタルデータはVesselとKoda両方に付加されるようなので、Legends of the Maraの方にも何か関係するのかもしれません。