Vessel Nestingについて
Vessel Nestingについての情報が発表されました。詳しい内容は後々LoTMライトペーパーが制作されて、そこに記載されるようですが、大まかな内容だけ先に公式ツイッターに投稿されました。
それによると、VesselとOtherdeed Expandedそれぞれ1つずつ持っていることでネストができ、Maraを生成できるようです。
Otherside LOTM | Yuga Guide to Legends of the Mara
Stay updated on Otherside: Legends of the Mara (LoTM), decoupled Kodas, Vessels, and Otherdeed Expanded NFTs until the launch of the official LoTM Litepaper. The blog, written in conjunction with the gaming team can be found here:
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 18, 2023
An Otherdeed Expanded NFT will first serve as the board for the 2D web-based game, Legends of The Mara. In LoTM you will need at least one Otherdeed Expanded NFT and at least one of the following to play: Koda, Kodamara, Mara (Hunter or Farmer), or Vessel.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 18, 2023
Only one Vessel can be nested on any given Otherdeed Expanded at a time, so choose your first Vessel(s) to nest into Mara wisely. The mechanics of nesting will be further defined in the LoTM Litepaper.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 18, 2023
Vessels with Enchanter trait and Enchanter Mara have a special role and their magic will be revealed later…
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 18, 2023
Stay updated on Otherside: Legends of the Mara (LoTM), decoupled Kodas, Vessels, and Otherdeed Expanded NFTs until the launch of the official LoTM Litepaper. The blog, written in conjunction with the gaming team can be found here:
An Otherdeed Expanded NFT will first serve as the board for the 2D web-based game, Legends of The Mara. In LoTM you will need at least one Otherdeed Expanded NFT and at least one of the following to play: Koda, Kodamara, Mara (Hunter or Farmer), or Vessel.
Only one Vessel can be nested on any given Otherdeed Expanded at a time, so choose your first Vessel(s) to nest into Mara wisely. The mechanics of nesting will be further defined in the LoTM Litepaper.
Vessels with Enchanter trait and Enchanter Mara have a special role and their magic will be revealed later…
OthersideのLegends of the Mara (LoTM)、分離されたKoda、Vessel、Otherdeed Expanded NFTの最新情報は、公式のLoTMライトペーパーが公開されるまで更新され続きます。ゲームチームと共同で書かれたブログはこちら:
まずOtherdeed Expanded NFTは、2D WebベースのゲームであるLegends of The Maraの基盤として機能します。LoTMをプレイするにはOtherdeed Expanded NFTが少なくとも1つと、Koda、Kodamara、Mara (HunterかFarmer)、またはVesselのいずれかが必要です。
1つのOtherdeed Expandedに対して、一度に入れられるVesselは1つだけなので、Maraにネストする最初のVesselは賢明に選んでください。ネストの仕組みはLoTMライトペーパーでさらに詳しく説明されます。
Enchanter特性のVesselやEnchanter Maraは特別な役割があり、その魔法は後ほど明らかになります…
