StarMap Update II「II: The Shattered Attacks & III: The Unearthed Artifacts」
先日、星座のような画像(今回StarMapという名称になっています)と共に、Legends of the Maraの解説として公式Twitterに投稿された「I: The Friends」。今回は、その続きとなる「II: The Shattered Attacks」と「III: The Unearthed Artifacts」の情報が発表されました。
The Shattered Attacksには、LoTMシーズン1と2のストーリーの概要とカードゲーム的なシステムになるような情報が記載されていて、The Unearthed Artifactsは勝利報酬の情報などが説明されていました。
StarMap Update II: Starting with Season 1 of Legends of the Mara, each element of gameplay that Voyagers participate in is connected to the larger metagame ecosystem. As game mechanics and the LoTM ecosystem evolve and expand, strategies and gameplay meta will ultimately change.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
II: The Shattered Attacks
In Season 1, The Shades fight to constrain The Shattered, preventing them from unleashing their full powers and preventing them from fully manifesting in Otherside.— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
While some Shades sought refuge in hospitable vessels, others banded together to protect Otherside until the arrival of the Mara. But as Voyagers begin to understand the best ways to subdue The Shattered, the Shades’ ability to constrain them begins to fade.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
In Season 2, the Shades’ abilities to fight The Shattered have collapsed and The Shattered manifest in Otherside, their wrath unbounded. Koda, Kodamara, Mara, and The Friends need to mobilize a defensive as The Shattered attack mercilessly.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
To keep the protectors of Otherside safe from damage in Season 2, only the skill and cunning of Voyager strategies will shield the wounded protectors in battle and mitigate damage taken.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
In both Season 1 and Season 2, Voyagers join the fight by strategically equipping slots and hitpoints (HP) on a game card.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
When a card’s HP has been exhausted, Voyagers can wait for them to recover over a cooldown period or use other means to heal sooner, regain HP and get back in the fight. Once fully healed, a card will return to the battlefield to defend the Otherside once again.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
iii: The Unearthed Artifacts
When a Shattered is defeated, Voyagers will be rewarded with treasures called Unearthed Artifacts.— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
While some Unearthed Artifacts will be consistent across all leaderboard tiers, each tier will have a limited supply, which means there will be exclusive rewards for Voyagers who slay a Shattered expeditiously.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
Some of these treasures will be utilized to enhance a Voyager’s gameplay within Legends of the Mara, while others will aid The Friends.
This info, along with previously dispatched info from the gaming team, can be found at:
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) June 13, 2023
StarMap Update II: Starting with Season 1 of Legends of the Mara, each element of gameplay that Voyagers participate in is connected to the larger metagame ecosystem. As game mechanics and the LoTM ecosystem evolve and expand, strategies and gameplay meta will ultimately change.
II: The Shattered Attacks
In Season 1, The Shades fight to constrain The Shattered, preventing them from unleashing their full powers and preventing them from fully manifesting in Otherside.
While some Shades sought refuge in hospitable vessels, others banded together to protect Otherside until the arrival of the Mara. But as Voyagers begin to understand the best ways to subdue The Shattered, the Shades’ ability to constrain them begins to fade.
In Season 2, the Shades’ abilities to fight The Shattered have collapsed and The Shattered manifest in Otherside, their wrath unbounded. Koda, Kodamara, Mara, and The Friends need to mobilize a defensive as The Shattered attack mercilessly.
To keep the protectors of Otherside safe from damage in Season 2, only the skill and cunning of Voyager strategies will shield the wounded protectors in battle and mitigate damage taken.
In both Season 1 and Season 2, Voyagers join the fight by strategically equipping slots and hitpoints (HP) on a game card.
When a card’s HP has been exhausted, Voyagers can wait for them to recover over a cooldown period or use other means to heal sooner, regain HP and get back in the fight. Once fully healed, a card will return to the battlefield to defend the Otherside once again.
iii: The Unearthed Artifacts
When a Shattered is defeated, Voyagers will be rewarded with treasures called Unearthed Artifacts.
While some Unearthed Artifacts will be consistent across all leaderboard tiers, each tier will have a limited supply, which means there will be exclusive rewards for Voyagers who slay a Shattered expeditiously.
Some of these treasures will be utilized to enhance a Voyager’s gameplay within Legends of the Mara, while others will aid The Friends.
This info, along with previously dispatched info from the gaming team, can be found at:
StarMap Update II : Legends of the Maraのシーズン1から、ボイジャーが参加するゲームプレイの各要素は、より大きなメタゲーム エコシステムと結びついています。ゲームの仕組みとLoTMエコシステムが進化・拡大するにつれて、戦略とゲームプレイのメタも最終的には変化します。
II: The Shattered Attacks
iii: The Unearthed Artifacts(発掘された遺物)
Shatteredを倒すと、VoyagerはUnearthed Artifactsと呼ばれる宝物を手に入れることができます。一部のUnearthed Artifactsはすべてのリーダーボードの階層で一貫していますが、各層の供給量には限りがあるため、迅速にShatteredを倒したVoyagerには特別な報酬が与えられます。
これらの宝物はLegends of the Mara内でVoyagerのゲームプレイを強化するために使用されるものもあれば、Friendを助けるために使用されるものもあります。この情報はゲームチームから以前に送信された情報とともに で確認することができます。
