そこでは、1年間で制作されたアートボードのチェックや、Tier5エリアでの3D BAYCアバターを用いたテストプレイ、Legends of the Maraのプレビューなどがおこなわれたようです。
Earlier today we brought together a small focus group of 40 Voyagers in LA to delve into Otherside for a vibe check.🧵 pic.twitter.com/fXpyUk81w8
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
We started off by taking a look at some of the artwork that’s been in development for Otherside over the past year. pic.twitter.com/t1onNne0u9
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
Splinter, Sky, Obsidian, and Luster. pic.twitter.com/SCSwZgEaBG
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
Voyagers traveled to an unexplored land. pic.twitter.com/gf9eMjBDA9
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
The destination? The center of Otherside. A sprawling tier 5 island. pic.twitter.com/RE3LLiBH3I
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
Many are playing with a 3D version of their BAYC avatar.
This is the first test of the avatars ahead of the official release. pic.twitter.com/yUGqM526BX
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
One last thing – a preview of Legends of the Mara. pic.twitter.com/biGMJI0NoL
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
Our day comes to an end, but Otherside has much more to explore, and more Voyagers to welcome. pic.twitter.com/An7PKLThKR
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
Earlier today we brought together a small focus group of 40 Voyagers in LA to delve into Otherside for a vibe check.🧵
We started off by taking a look at some of the artwork that’s been in development for Otherside over the past year.
Splinter, Sky, Obsidian, and Luster.
Voyagers traveled to an unexplored land.
The destination? The center of Otherside. A sprawling tier 5 island.
Many are playing with a 3D version of their BAYC avatar. This is the first test of the avatars ahead of the official release.
One last thing – a preview of Legends of the Mara.
Our day comes to an end, but Otherside has much more to explore, and more Voyagers to welcome.
本日未明、40人のボイジャーからなる小規模なフォーカスグループをLAに集め、Othersideを掘り下げて雰囲気をチェックしました。 🧵
目的地は? Othersideの中心地。広大なTier5の島だ。
多くの人がBAYCアバターの3Dバージョンで遊んでいます。これは正式リリースに先駆けた最初のアバターテストです。最後にもう1つ、Legends of the Maraのプレビューです。
Otherside Test Group: A Recap pic.twitter.com/57gh9g8VlA
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) July 28, 2023
Otherside Test Group: A Recap

Tier5のエリアや、個別のBAYCに対応した3D アバターの雰囲気が見て取れます。Legends of the Maraのプレビューもあったとのことなので、近々何か続報があるかもしれません。