Legends of The Maraの開始と
Legends of The Maraが体験できるようになりました。また、それに合わせて説明ムービーやゲームガイド、FAQも公開されています。
Choose which path to take in LoTM to make the most of your Otherdeed. Here’s a quick explainer video to get you started. pic.twitter.com/Iyyk9AsGxA
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 26, 2023
Calling all Voyagers: LoTM is now live! Hatch your Mara, harvest your Otherdeed’s Sediment Fragments, and defend your land from Shattered.https://t.co/H0Inim3rmz
The journey begins now.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 26, 2023
To help you on your journey, we’ve whipped up a Game Guide and FAQ. Check out https://t.co/upFvgSmBZR for the Game Guide for quick tips, Oda lore, and an overview of game mechanics.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 26, 2023
Or to become an LoTM expert, head over to https://t.co/yH0NGb7CwC for the FAQ.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 26, 2023
Having the right Voyagers by your side is everything. Shoutout to our co-development partners @animocabrands and @iCandyInteract who are essential in bringing Legends of The Mara to life!
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) September 26, 2023
Choose which path to take in LoTM to make the most of your Otherdeed. Here’s a quick explainer video to get you started.
Calling all Voyagers: LoTM is now live! Hatch your Mara, harvest your Otherdeed’s Sediment Fragments, and defend your land from Shattered. https://lotm.otherside.xyz/camp The journey begins now.
To help you on your journey, we’ve whipped up a Game Guide and FAQ. Check out https://lotm.otherside.xyz/game-guide for the Game Guide for quick tips, Oda lore, and an overview of game mechanics.
Or to become an LoTM expert, head over to https://lotm.otherside.xyz/faq for the FAQ.
Having the right Voyagers by your side is everything. Shoutout to our co-development partners @animocabrands and @iCandyInteract who are essential in bringing Legends of The Mara to life!
すべてのVoyagerに告ぐ。LoTMが始動しました! あなたのMaraを孵化させ、OtherdeedのSediment Fragmentを収穫し、Shatteredから土地を守りましょう。 https://lotm.otherside.xyz/camp 今、旅が始まります。
あなたの旅をサポートするために、ゲームガイドとFAQを作成しました。簡単なヒント、Odaの伝承、ゲームメカニクスの概要についてはゲームガイドを参照してください。 https://lotm.otherside.xyz/game-guide
また、LoTMエキスパートになりたい方はFAQをご覧ください。 https://lotm.otherside.xyz/faq
正しいVoyagerがそばにいることが全てです。Legends of The Maraに命を吹き込むのに欠かせない共同開発パートナー、@animocabrandsと@iCandyInteractに感謝します。
