The Koda Decoupling and Vessel Claimの実施
The Koda Decoupling and Vessel Claim(Kodaの分断とVesselの請求)が実施されました。
この作業は必須でなく、無期限なので急ぐ必要はないようです。しかし、実施後に得られるOtherdeed Expanded NFTが、Legends of the Maraなど今後の体験のために必要なNFTになるようです。
The Koda Decoupling and Vessel Claim are set to take place later today at and will be open indefinitely. A 1-hour heads-up will be tweeted prior to launch.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 5, 2023
Voyagers will be able to select up to 99 Otherdeeds at a time for the Decoupling and Vessel Claim.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 5, 2023
Both Otherdeed Expanded and Otherside Vessel NFT’s token IDs will match their burned Otherdeed for Otherside token ID. Otherside Koda NFT token IDs will match the Koda metadata on their current Otherdeed.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 5, 2023
The Koda Decoupling and Vessel Claim are set to take place later today at and will be open indefinitely. A 1-hour heads-up will be tweeted prior to launch.
Voyagers will be able to select up to 99 Otherdeeds at a time for the Decoupling and Vessel Claim.
Both Otherdeed Expanded and Otherside Vessel NFT’s token IDs will match their burned Otherdeed for Otherside token ID. Otherside Koda NFT token IDs will match the Koda metadata on their current Otherdeed.
Koda DecouplingとVessel Claimは本日https://lotm.otherside.xyzでおこなわれ、無期限に公開される予定です。実施1時間前に予告ツイートされる予定です。
ボイジャーは、Koda DecouplingとVessel Claimの際、一度に最大99個のOtherdeedを選択することができます。
Otherdeed ExpandedとOtherside Vessel NFTのトークンIDは、バーンされたOtherdeed for OthersideのトークンIDと一致します。Otherside Koda NFTのトークンIDは、現在のOtherdeed上のKodaメタデータと一致します。
Koda Decoupling & Vessel claim is now live at Only Otherdeeds with Koda can Decouple, but all Otherdeeds can claim a Vessel. More details on Decoupling and claim in the thread below. 🧵
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
The claim process is best done through a Desktop browser. Both Vessel Claim and Decoupling will be open indefinitely, so there is no rush to claim.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
Decoupling & Vessel Claim is not required. However, Otherdeed Expanded is your key to unlocking future gameplay experiences and activations, including Otherside: Legends of the Mara.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
In order to decouple, your Otherdeed must be burned. Burning your original Otherdeed will yield a Koda NFT, and an Otherdeed Expanded NFT, without the Koda. Each will exist in a new collection, independent of one another.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
The same applies to Otherdeed holders that claim a vessel. After claiming, you will receive a new Vessel NFT and an Otherdeed Expanded NFT.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
Koda Decoupling & Vessel Claim will also yield a Koda Origins Obelisk piece, which will be added to the metadata of your newly minted Otherdeed Expanded NFT.
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) April 6, 2023
Koda Decoupling & Vessel claim is now live at Only Otherdeeds with Koda can Decouple, but all Otherdeeds can claim a Vessel. More details on Decoupling and claim in the thread below. 🧵
The claim process is best done through a Desktop browser. Both Vessel Claim and Decoupling will be open indefinitely, so there is no rush to claim.
Decoupling & Vessel Claim is not required. However, Otherdeed Expanded is your key to unlocking future gameplay experiences and activations, including Otherside: Legends of the Mara.
In order to decouple, your Otherdeed must be burned. Burning your original Otherdeed will yield a Koda NFT, and an Otherdeed Expanded NFT, without the Koda. Each will exist in a new collection, independent of one another.
The same applies to Otherdeed holders that claim a vessel. After claiming, you will receive a new Vessel NFT and an Otherdeed Expanded NFT.
Koda Decoupling & Vessel Claim will also yield a Koda Origins Obelisk piece, which will be added to the metadata of your newly minted Otherdeed Expanded NFT.
Koda Decoupling & Vessel claimがで公開されています。分離はKodaを持つOtherdeedのみができ、全てのOtherdeedがVesselを要求できます。詳細は以下のスレッドをご覧ください。🧵
請求プロセスはデスクトップブラウザでおこなうのが最適です。Vessel ClaimとDecouplingはどちらも無期限に開いているため、急ぐ必要はありません。
Decoupling & Vessel Claimは必須ではありません。ただし、Otherdeed Expandedは、Otherside:Legends of the Maraを含む、将来のゲームプレイ体験とアクティベーションのロックを解除するための鍵になります。
Decouplingには、Otherdeedをバーンしなければなりません。元のOtherdeedをバーンすると、Koda NFTとKodaを除いたOtherdeed Expanded NFTが得られます。それぞれは、互いに独立した新しいコレクションとして存在します。
また、Otherdeed所有者がVessel Claimする場合も同様です。請求後新しいVessel NFTとOtherdeed Expanded NFTを受け取ります。
Koda Decoupling & Vessel Claimでは、Koda Origins Obelisk pieceも入手できます。これは新しく作成されたOtherdeed Expanded NFTのメタデータに追加されます。

The Koda Decoupling and Vessel Claimは必須では無いとはいえ、やっといて損はなさそうなので、セキュリティなどに注意の上実施しておくとよさそうです。