Next stop on our Otherside play-test tour: Berlin. Tonight a focus group of 40 Meebits and Voyagers got a first look at some new experiences we’ve been building in Otherside. pic.twitter.com/oAhJJG6DZL
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
The group got a sneak peek at some of the latest concept art from the Otherside team, and the first public look at our Otherside-ready Meebit Avatars. pic.twitter.com/1y02mydZpd
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
The Meebits have been rebuilt trait by trait and optimized for Otherside. pic.twitter.com/kUJZHaPWio
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
Then Meebits, avatars built for the metaverse, took their first steps into Otherside. pic.twitter.com/bnW9u8dJRj
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
We introduced Meetropolis, a new island of Otherside. Built on a Steppes biome, Meetropolis is a place where nature and voxels meet. pic.twitter.com/WsYmv1HNIN
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
With Meetropolis, we’ve expanded the fun in Otherside. pic.twitter.com/QAtvWmYN1I
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
The community provided valuable feedback then the play-testers kicked back for some Meebits inspired food and drink. pic.twitter.com/o0eV0JAd6Y
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
Thanks to all the Meebits and Voyagers who were a part of the second Otherside Test Group, a recap video will be posted tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/WvyFu4SIHQ
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 8, 2023
Next stop on our Otherside play-test tour: Berlin. Tonight a focus group of 40 Meebits and Voyagers got a first look at some new experiences we’ve been building in Otherside.
The group got a sneak peek at some of the latest concept art from the Otherside team, and the first public look at our Otherside-ready Meebit Avatars.
The Meebits have been rebuilt trait by trait and optimized for Otherside.
Then Meebits, avatars built for the metaverse, took their first steps into Otherside.
We introduced Meetropolis, a new island of Otherside. Built on a Steppes biome, Meetropolis is a place where nature and voxels meet.
With Meetropolis, we’ve expanded the fun in Otherside.
The community provided valuable feedback then the play-testers kicked back for some Meebits inspired food and drink.
Thanks to all the Meebits and Voyagers who were a part of the second Otherside Test Group, a recap video will be posted tomorrow.
In our second Otherside Test Group, Meebits and Voyagers explored a new island of Otherside, Meetropolis, and we gained valuable feedback from the community.
Next stop: Hong Kong. pic.twitter.com/1A1Ob0RdKb
— Othersidemeta (@OthersideMeta) October 9, 2023
In our second Otherside Test Group, Meebits and Voyagers explored a new island of Otherside, Meetropolis, and we gained valuable feedback from the community.
Next stop: Hong Kong.

Meebitsのメタバース用アバターとメトロポリスエリアが今回のポイントだと思われます。また、次は香港というメッセージから、ApeFest 2023 in Hong Kongでも何かしらの発表がありそうです。